How can we help you?

How can we help you?

Shipping & Delivery timeShipping & Delivery time
  • Shipping options: Free Shipping, Standard Shipping and Xpress+ Next Day and 2 Day delivery is available on products label Xpress+
  • Shipping costs: Free shipping available for orders over $15. Free Standard shipping available for orders over $25
  • Tracking:  You can track your order by visiting our tracking page and enter your tracking order number and email address 
  • Delivery time: You will received your order within 3-5 days and Next Day and 2 Day for Xpress+ items 
  • Returns: Customer have a 90 days Return window for a full refund and a 14 days exchange window to exchange for size, color or another item. Return or refund items must be in in the original package 
  • Insurance: Yes your order is protected against damage, lost or missing while in transit. We will replace or refund
  • Gift options: We offer gift wrap on selected items which are tagged with the gift box icon
Icon for secureXpressja's Commitments

How is Xpressja able to offer lower prices than others?

Xpressja connects customers directly with cost-efficient products from top brands for competitively priced goods. Customers benefit from high quality products with fast delivery.

Offering a wide range of products

Xpressja has access to a sophisticated network of suppliers and manufacturers. Many of these suppliers are world-class manufacturers that offer affordable prices to Xpressja because of our scale. Xpressja also has strict policies against counterfeit or unsafe goods.

Discounts, Rewards and DealsDiscounts, Rewards and Deals
  • New customers get 30% off on first order
  • Daily Deals on all products
  • Deals of the day
  • Earn Rewards
  • Earn 10% every day on each order
Security & PrivacySecurity & Privacy

Pay confidently with our secure methods

Card information is secure and uncompromised

Xpressja follows the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and other security standards when handling card data

All data is encrypted

Xpressja never sells your card information

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